Derek Wishart a Local Ayrshire Artist 

Artist Biography

Born in Edinburgh, Derek Wishart began his education at Victoria Primary School in 1950, followed by David Kilpatrick Secondary School in 1962, and then attended Copper Street Technical School. His artistic journey truly took shape through night classes at Telford and Stevenson Colleges, where he first explored the world of art.

It was only after experiencing a serious illness that he discovered the transformative power of painting, using it as a therapeutic outlet and source of inspiration.

A turning point in his career came with his debut charity art exhibition in Currie, Edinburgh, where his entire collection sold out. This success motivated him to refine his craft further, dedicating years to developing a distinctive style marked by emotional depth and intensity. His work soon gained recognition and began to appear in numerous galleries across Ayrshire and Glasgow, attracting the attention of several celebrity collectors. and returning Clients. 

Derek's inclusion in Imago Mundi expanded his reach, taking his artwork worldwide as part of a prestigious global art collection that continues to tour. He was also invited to teach at the esteemed Glasgow School of Art, though he had to decline due to health issues. Critics have praised his art for its remarkable ability to engage viewers, often describing it as "impossible not to stop and be involved."

Today, Derek Wishart continues to create powerful pieces that resonate deeply, leaving a lasting impression on all who encounter his art.